
my name is erik and i am kinda/sorta a landscape architect. i design gardens (sometimes for money), organize art-adjacent field stuff (S.N.A.G.), and am a non-tenure eligible full-time instructor in a School of Landscape Architecture where i try my best to get students thinking critically about ideas of nature/Nature through iterative drawings on trace paper.

i keep this blog as a record of ideas and images that i think a few of my friends (known and unknown) might like to see. i think sharing ideas and feelings on those ideas can build up into a rich loam. like mulch. for others to then plant their seeds in, and like grow new things and then share their trimmings. like a garden. one big yard. in which we can be neighbors. but on the internet.

please comment on posts or get in touch if you wanna engage in some discussion, critique or dialectical wrasslin’. thanks for reading.



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where ideas about landscape architecture, desert garden toiling, and anarcho joy rot into a fragrant duff to provide fodder for termites and curved bill thrashers


compost mice wearing little banana sticker hats